The following courses are available:

  • KidsMBA Fast Track
  • ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme
  • ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme (Remote Delivery)

KidsMBA Fast Track

This is a 2-day intensive course which is supported by a written course pack. The lessons are taught through lecturing, games, role play and discussion.

It provides an introduction to the mind-set and skills needed when starting a business.

The course will cover topics, including:

  • Products and Services
  • Intellectual Property
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Customer care
  • Business letters
  • Budgeting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Business Plans
  • Raising finance
  • Leadership
  • Corporate Responsibility

Students will receive at the end of the course a personalised and numbered Certificate of Achievement and the KidsMBA badge. Students will be offered the chance to compete for the KidsMBA Star Performer Trophy. At the end of the second day of the course, students who wish to do so can pitch their business idea to judges in a ‘Shark Tank’ type of event. The winner of the best business idea and pitch will be awarded the KidsMBA Star Performer Trophy.

Both students and trainers receive separate course packs to guide them through the 2 days. The master text is written in English. The text is presented in a simple and non-technical way, to assist translation into other languages.

ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme

This programme is specially designed for schools and consists of 16 modules.              

 The lessons are taught through lecturing, games, role play and discussion.

It is a much more intensive programme with optional components. It provides 

  a more in-depth introduction to the mind-set and skills needed when starting a business.

The Programme covers the following topics:

  • Business idea and USP
  • Business name and logo
  • Copyright and Patents
  • Pricing
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Customer Service
  • Communication and networking
  • Business Structures
  • Business Finance
  • Contracts and Legal Obligations
  • Operational Plan and Personnel
  • Budgeting
  • Bookkeeping and Tax
  • Business Plan and Financials
  • Leadership and Corporate Responsibility
  • Pitching to Investors

Students will receive at the end of the Programme a personalised and numbered Certificate of Achievement. Students will be offered the chance to compete in a ‘Shark Tank’ type event and the winner will receive the ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Star Performer Certificate.

The course is fully downloadable, and a video will guide teachers through the Programme. The master text is written in English. The text is presented in a simple and non-technical way, to assist translation into other languages. The course is made available via the ABE Platform. For more information about this course please contact

ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme Progression

After completing the ABE Endorsed KidsMBA Programme the following ABE progression
qualifications are open to students:

Level 2 Award in Setting Up Your Own Business

Level 3 Certificate in Business Start Up

*Please note students need to be at least 14 years of age to take a Level 2 qualification.